Fertility // Purgatorial + TUTORIAL
new work I did in october, hope you enjoy it!
Fertility // Purgatorial
from birth to death
from birth to death
Some Photoshop project I did, for long time no illustration, mostly done in PS.
It's the contrast of birth and dead. No more to say.
If you are interested in wallpaper sizes/resolution, just write in the comment box or contact me!
It's the contrast of birth and dead. No more to say.
If you are interested in wallpaper sizes/resolution, just write in the comment box or contact me!

The inspiration for this image came from different influences, but mainly from Michelangelo’s famous Adam-painting in the roof of Sistine Chapel. So, basically his hand and the position of it was what I wanted to usw.

This is a tutorial between easy and advanced skills. You haven't to be that master-class photoshopper to do this. Hope it will help you!